My hope is built on nothing less,
Than my dear Church, and it’s success!
No Matter what my Church may do,
It cannot fall—its going through!
My hope is built on nothing more,
For me its heaven’s open door.
So I rejoice—let others wail;
It’s going through—it cannot fail!
I do not need to watch and wait;
To me it stands as heaven’s gate;
So I’ll support her, come what may—
She’ll see me through on that glad day!
O Could it be—and to my shame—
God’s church and mine are not the same?
God’s church fulfill His sacred plan;
My Church reveals the stamp of man!
My Church slept on—that day at last
Did come, and so the harvest passed.
I stuck with her at any cost—
God’s church went through, but left me lost!