Words to the Young – #1
How to Meet the Mind of God
“ Jesus has said, ‘In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also’.”
“Do you wish to enter the mansions Jesus has gone to prepare? Is heaven desirable? Then why not bring as much of heaven as possible into your daily life? Day by day you receive Heaven’s blessings; but do you make a grateful recognition of the same by offering thanksgiving and praise to your heavenly Father? Is it a proper course for you to pursue to rise in the morn-ing and go without prayer to your duties and responsibilities, to the dangers and temptations of the day? Is it not essential that you seek for guidance and protection, for help and grace from God? Let the youth who profess to love God make it a rule of their lives to engage in regular seasons of prayer. If two or three of you are together, who are servants of Christ, you may claim the promise of His presence
“Suppose there are those around you who do not respond to the claims of God, who offer no grateful praise for His mercy, and who ridicule your faith, should you not seek protectionfrom the only Source of strength, and plead with God to quicken those who ridicule His name, and bring them to repentance? How can you expect God’s blessing if you have not moral courage to go to Him,and ask Him for His help before those who do not love God, or reverence His name?
”Many who profess the name of Christ are very poor soldiers of the cross. They profess to be seeking heaven as their home; but they do not bring heaven into their practical lives. Their thoughts and conversation are not upon heavenly things. Their conversation is vain and trifling, and their souls are as destitute of the grace of Christ as were the hills of Gilboa of dew or rain. Let the youth who are called to associate together in family life be true to principle concerning the hour of prayer. Let them read tender words from the blessed Bible, and with humble, contrite hearts, let them bow before God, and pray for His blessing. Angels of God will be round about you. To this scene Jesus will be a witness. God will hearken to your petitions, and will be your helper, your strength when temptation comes upon you. Suppose in your company there are those who do not pray, who do not answer to the claims that God has upon them, should you be weakened by their presence, and be found unfaithful to your trust?–No; you should be all the more earnest, faithful, and steadfast, gathering zeal for God because others utterly fail to do their duty.
“Those who refuse to be guided by the Spirit of God are always a hindrance to their companions. They are bodies of darkness, agents of Satan. The more pleasing their manners, and the greater their ability, the greater harm they can do through their influence upon others, and the greater will be their condemnation at last, unless they repent and forsake their sins.
“The young disciples of Christ should show faithfulness in cross-bearing, in rendering vigorous service, manifesting unfaltering fidelity to the cause of their Master. They should let their light so shine that their young companions may be led to glorify God. You cannot let your light shine unless you have light, and there is only one source of light. In order to meet the mind of God, and exert a saving influence upon those around you, you must avail yourself of every help Jesus has made available to you, that you may daily grow in grace. Your faith must grow by exercise. Your love for Christ must increase more and more, and your lips will be prepared to express the love that is glowing in your heart. Your conversation will then be upon heavenly things,-– upon Christ, the Christian’s hope, and the incorruptible inheritance.” – YI, August 4, 1892
Words to the Young – #2
Not One Saved in Indolence
“There are many young men who pride themselves on their good behavior, and who think that their morality is all they need. They are self-righteous, as was Cain, who thought he could bring his offering to God without the blood of Jesus; but God refused to accept his sacrifice. He could offer only that which had been made his through the blood and merit of Jesus. The infinite offering was prefigured in the sacrifice required at his hand; but he came to God as though presenting that which he had obtained through his own merits and righteousness. He was not accepted of God, because he did not offer the merit of Christ with humble and contrite heart. The self-righteous youth need a Saviour today as much as did Cain when he came to God in the garments of his own righteousness. ‘Without me,’Christ says, ‘ye can do nothing.’ We either gather with Christ, or we scatter abroad. The youth who glory in their independence apart from Christ should not have an influence to lure any of you away from your Saviour. Their self-righteous robes are stained with sin, and will not cover them in the day of God.
“The youth may receive grace from Christ daily, and find their light growing brighter and brighter as they follow in the path of holiness. The psalmist says, ‘The path of the just is as a shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day’.”
“Growth in grace will not lead you to be proud, self-confident, and boastful, but will make you more conscious of your own nothingness, of your entire dependence upon the Lord. He who is growing in grace will be ever reaching heaven-ward, obtaining clearer views of the fullness of the provisions of the gospel.
“The youth may be free in Christ; they may be the children of light, and not of darkness. God calls upon every young man and young woman to renounce every evil habit, to be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. (Rom. 12:11) Jesus will help you, so that you need not remain in indolence, making no effort to correct your wrongs or improve your conduct. The sincerity of your prayers will be proved by the vigor of the effort you make to obey all of God’s commandments. You may move intelligently, and at every step renounce evil habits and associations, believing that the Lord will renovate your heart by the power of his Spirit.
“Some have said that God pardons only the penitent. This is true; but whom he pardons, He first makes penitent. God calls upon every young man and woman who reads these words to put forth every effort to become all that it is possible through the grace and strength of Christ to be-come. If you meet the mind of God, you cannot be idle, you cannot be indifferent. Not one of you will be saved in indolence; you must learn in the school of Christ.
“Do not excuse your defects of character, but in the grace of Christ overcome them. Wrestle with the evil passions which the word of God condemns; for in yielding to them, you abase yourself. Repent of sin while Mercy’s sweet voice invites you; for it is the first step in the noblest work you can do. Strive for the mastery (2 Tim. 2:5) with all the powers God hath given you and make straight paths for your feet. (Heb. 12:13; Isa. 42:16) Heaven is worth every effort you can make. The angels of God are interested for your salvation, and Jesus is waiting to be to you a very present help in every time of need. (Ps. 46:1) He would have you ‘gird up the loins of your mind, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought to you by the revelation of Christ’.”s(1 Pet. 1:13) YI, August 11, 1892
Words to the Young #3
Be Missionaries in the Home
“Children and youth may give their hearts to Jesus, and in simplicity and meekness and wisdom, work after the dir-ection He has given in His word. Many of the youth repine because they have not ability to do some large work, and they covet talents by which they might do some wonderful things; but while they are spending their time in vain desires, they are making a failure of life. They are overlooking opportunities which they might improve in doing deeds of love in the path of life in which their feet are set. Their fathers and mothers are bear-ing heavy burdens, and there are many things in the home and out of the home which their active hands might do to lighten these burdens. They might save much weariness to their tired mothers, and bring happiness to their spirits, by doing deeds of love.
“Children and youth should be missionaries at home by doing those things that need to be done, and that someone must do…… It is the willingness to do the duties that lie in your path, to relieve your overburdened mother, that will prove you worthy of being intrusted with larger responsibilities. You do not think that washing dishes is pleasant work, yet you would not like to be denied the privilege of eating food that has been placed on those dishes. Do you think that it is more pleasant work for your mother to do those things than it is for you? Are you willing to leave what you consider a disagreeable task for your care-worn mother to do, while you play the lady? There is sweeping to be done, there are rugs to take up and shake, and the rooms are to be put in order; and while you are neglecting to do these things, is it consistent for you to desire larger responsibilities? Have you considered how many times mother has to attend to all these household duties while you are excused to attend school or amuse yourself?
“It is difficult for a loving mother to urge her children to help her when she sees they have no heart in the work, and will frame any and every excuse to get rid of doing a disagreeable task. Children and youth, Christ is looking upon you, and shall he see you neglecting the trust he has put into your hands…..Your first duty is to help your mother who has done so much for you. Lift her burdens, give her pleasant days of rest; for she has had few holidays, and very little variety in her life. You have claimed all the pleasure and amusement as your right, but the time has come for you to shed sunshine in the home. Take up your duty, go right to work. Through your self-denying devot-ion, give her rest and pleasure. It has been her delight to wait on you, to cook for you, and serve you. She has been as a slave in the home, and now suppose you lift the responsibility, and take your turn at the wheel. From the experience of this kind, you will know how to appreciate better your mother’s toil, and you will understand how many, many things her hands have had to do. Shall she go into the grave for rest, and leave the homely duties to be done by those who have never educated themselves in practical work.
“Daughters may be a great blessing in the home, a great comfort to their mother, if they will only remember that mother needs change and rest, needs to be relieved in the continuous round of her duties. Her children should seek to bring brightness and love into her life. Let children ask themselves whether or not they have been truly converted to God. Do they feel the same ingratitude to God as they manifest to their mother? Do they neglect their Saviour as they neglect their mother? Satan works upon every soul that does not come to Jesus in penitence and faith. Do you belong to the kingdom of Satan? All disobedient ones are his subjects; for his Spirit is now working upon the children of disobedience. O that you would now consider the things that make for your peace, and devote your affections, your thoughts, your time, your service, to Christ. Satan is concentrating all his energies to bend your will to his, to make you his agent in opposing the plans of Christ, that you may refuse to have Jesus reign over you. Although you know that ‘God so loved the world, that he gave his only begot-ten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life,’ (John 3:16) Satan may see to entice you into his service. He will seek to draw you away from Christ, that you may become his agent in drawing others away, and thus frustrate the plans of God. He is the father of lies, and he weaves a net of falsehood in which he binds you with cords of lies to his service. The more intelligent you are, the more attractive, the harder he will work that he may persuade you to lay your talents at his feet, and aid him to accomplish his ends in alluring others under his black banner. If he can only keep the mind infatuated, he will do it. Paul inquires, ‘Who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth?’ (Gal. 3:1) Satan is the bewitcher, and he has wrought, that Christ may be expelled from the soul, and that he himself may be there enthroned.” YI, March 2, 1893
Words to the Young #4
What Shall I Do to Be Saved?
“I beg of you, sons and daughters, to break from the infatuation of the evil one. Flee to Jesus as your refuge, and lay hold upon eternal life. Has not Jesus shown His love for you? How could He give you any stronger evidence of His love than He gave when he died for you on Calvary’s cross? He died that you might have power to break with Satan, that you might cast off his hellish shackles, and be delivered from his power. Jesus paid your ransom with His own blood, and shall He have died for you in vain? How can you answer in the judgment for your neglect of His great salvation? O that God would open your eyes, that you might see how flimsy are the excuses you now think to present to God! Why have you not responded to his love? Why has He died for you in vain?
“The Spirit came in childhood
And pleaded, ‘Let me in;’
But ah! the door was bolted
By heedlessness and sin.
” ‘O, I’m too young,’ the child cried,
‘My heart is closed today.’
Sadly the Spirit listened,
Then turned, and went his way.”
“Inquire earnestly, What shall I do to be saved? The answer is, Take Christ for your personal Saviour. Give up the pleasures of sin in exchange for heaven and eternal life. What are the few days of selfish gratification that contain not one gen-uine drop of happiness, to the eternity of bliss that awaits the faithful soul?Keep not Christ’s love from your soul. Look to the cross of Calvary if you want a tangible proof of His love. Heaven is looking upon you with intense interest, to see what you will do. The angels are amazed when you turn with indifference from the blessings that are proffered you. If you refuse to respond to the drawing love of Christ, you will finally grow rebellious and defiant.
Youthful friends, who have professedly given your hearts to Jesus, you are to be laborers together with God. Great responsi-bilities have been intrusted to you. “Ye are a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men.” ( 1 Cor. 4:9) Have you enshrined the heavenly truths you have heard, in your heart? Have you practiced them in your lives, and expressed them in your character? If you are half for Christ, and half for the enemy, you are doing better work for Satan than as if you had made no profession of godliness;for your influence upon others is of a most detrimental character. Your love for amusement, your selfish pleasure-seeking, your neglect of the duties that devolve upon a Christian, are stumbling-blocks to sin-ners. Some of those who profess to believe as you believe, are gathering their ideas of a Christian’s obligation by the way in which you conduct yourself. You are following the world’s standard, and others are regulating their lives by your unchristlike actions. Shall we not hope and believe that there will be a change in these things? that you will seek the Lord with full purpose of heart, and take up your duties in the home and in the church, walking humbly with your God? You will then know what it means to wear the yoke of Christ, which is easy; to lift His burden, which is light; and find rest unto your souls; for there is peace and joy in the Holy Ghost:” YI, March 2, 1893