EVERY letter in our alphabet furnishes the initial of some title or titles given to Christ in the Sacred Scriptures. The following rhythmical arrangement to show this fact we find in an exchange:—
- is for Advocate, Alpha, Amen; All titles of Jesus the Saviour of men. 1 John 2:1; Rev. 1:8; 3:14
- is for Bridegroom, for Bishop, for Bread; The soul that receives him with manna is fed. Matt. 25:1; 1 Peter 2:25; John 6:35
- is for Captain, for Chief Corner stone. And safe is the man that buildeth thereon. Eh. 2:20; Heb. 2:10; 1 Peter 2:6
- is for Day-Star, Deliverer, Door; Who enters this way shall have life evermore. 2 Peter 1:19; Rom. 11:26; John 10:9
- ’s the Everlasting Father, who stands inviting his creatures with wide, open hands. Isa. 9:6; 55:1
- is for Faithful; and true is the name, For he who doth bear it is ever the same. Rev. 19:2
- is for Governor, God over all, Who offers salvation to great and small. Ps. 22:28; Rom. 9:5
- is for Holy and Harmless High Priest, Who did us by faith on His flesh and blood feast.
- is Immanuel, bringing God near; The son whom we whoosh and serve without fear. Isa. 7:14
- is for Jesus, for Judge; and for Just; Happy are those who in Him put their trust. Matt. 1:21; James 5:9; Acts 3:14
- is for King; and as such he shall reign, When death is destroyed and his enemies slain. 1 Tim. 6:15; 1Cor. 15:25
- is for Lamb, for Lord, and for Lion, The meek Galilean, the Ruler of zion. John 1:29; 20:13; Rev. 5:5
- Messiah, the promised of old, By good men expected, by prophets foretold. John 1:41
- is for Nazarene; humble the name; But glory shall crown it, and scatter its shame. Mat. 2:23
- is Omega, the End of the Last, For He shall endure when ages are past. Rev. 22:13
- is Passover, Prophet, and Priest; May peace the world o’er and good-will be increased. 1 Cor. 5:7; John 7:40; Heb. 8:1
- is a Quickening Spirit, we read, The Second Man Adam, the woman’s pure seed. 1 Cor. 15:45
- is our Refuge, our Rock of Defense, Not sorrow nor Satan shall drive us from thence. Jer. 16:19; 1 Cor. 10:4
- is for Saviour, for Shepherd, for Shield. With the Sword of the Spirit the saint takes the field. Titus 1:4; 1 Peter 2:25; Prov. 10:5
- is for Teacher, whose lessons are Truth, Unto him let us cry as the guide of our youth. John 3:2; 14:6
- ’s that Unspeakable gift from above, The Father sent down in his infinite love. 2 Cor. 9:16
- is the Vine, and its branches we are; if abiding in Him, much fruit shall we bear. John 15:1
- ‘s for Wonderful, for Witness, for Word; The way to be saved, but from which we have erred. Isa. 9:6; Rev. 3:14; 19:13.
- our example in trial pain; With hint if we suffer, with Him we Shall reign.1 Peter 2 : 21.
- is the Yoke that his followers wear; By His help we are able His burden to bear. Matt. 11:29
- was his Zeal, and it wrapped Him around. May we put it on, and in goodness abound. Isa. 59:17
The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald June 10, 1875
Something to think about…
And some try to say we are only to use the “holy name” how is this when our Lord and Saviour has so many names? Of which the above is only a small sample, as there are over 300 names for our Lord Jesus Christ.