Everything on this page, is one page short read tracts.
“Yea, Hath God Said…?” Satan quoted scripture even to the very Son of God, but he twisted it. To this day he still inspires his helpers to Twist the Word. To attack Jesus Christ, The virgin birth, the blood and make it look as though Lucifer is Christ, Hell is heaven, and sin is righteousness. This little one page tract gives much information that is vital to understand for those not aware that the Bible is under attack. Printed to give out, with Dr. Terry’s permission.
Tract # 5 Download Now
Beware of Covetousness! God’s Law forbids covetousness, yet how many Christians deny themselves that this gospel of the kingdom may be preached in all the world. What does God think of covetousness? Are Christians really forbidden to be covetous? Is there salvation for a covetous person? Taken straight from the Word of God, this little tract is a power packed reminder of one of God’s overlooked laws.
Tract # 10 Download Now
The Choice- Jesus or Satan. Oh, for the simplicity of the mind of a little child! This one page tract put together in school- on his own was Mattheus’ attempt to be part of the ministry and show professed Christians that there are character traits that many of us hang onto that are not from Jesus. He lays it out simply as only a seven year old could, and draws us to a choice! Will we follow the simple plan of the Lord?
Tract # 11 Download Now
Is Christmas a Christian holiday? or have the Christians been hood-winked into believing a lie?
Tract # 12 Download Now
Catholic Confessions About Sunday
Catholic Confessions about Sunday. Long has Rome claimed that her mark of authority over Catholics and Protestants is the keeping of the Sunday. Here is their admission in their own words on which day is truly the Lord’s day, Why they demand worship on Sunday, and What day one must keep if not a Catholic under papal control instead of under the One True God, Creator of heaven and earth.
Tract # 13 Download Now
“Come out of her My People!” Are you one of God’s People? He is calling you. Read this tract and see what is required to meet the Lord when He comes in the clouds of heaven. This is really a life and death matter!
Tract # 14 Download Now
Where did Easter come from? Does it have anything to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead? Is Easter a Christian or Pagan Holiday?
Tract # 18 Download Now
“Faith and works must go hand in hand, but either alone is dead, The whole work of God in the human soul is accomplished through the cooperation of the divine Spirit with the effort of humanity.” RH SEPTEMBER 4, 1888 PAR. 7
Tract # 22 Download Now
“Faith that Works” a simple little pictorial reminder of what we must put on to be able to stay on the firing line. By Mattheus Robanske (9 yrs of age)
Tract # 23 Download Now
What’s wrong with Halloween? This short tract will answer the questions.
Tract # 24 Download Now
One of the most misunderstood topics in the scriptures for most of the Christian world. Would that every Christian could understand this topic that their love for God might be quickened and they might see Him as He truly is, a God of love.
Tract # 25 Download Now
Tract # 26 Download Now
Letter To Saint Paul is a very thought provoking little read. Some of us may feel that we cannot be used of God because of this or that in our lives, and yet this letter is so revealing, that Paul was not the perfect individual that many of us think him to be. The point being, every single one of us can be used mightily for God if we would just surrender.
Tract # 33 Download Now
The Necessity of Religious Separation
“Necessity of Religious Separation” “God has ever required his people to remain separate from the world, that they might not be allured from their allegiance to Him.” powerful read!
Tract # 36 Download Now
The New International Pervision
New International perVersion is a powerful read on the major changes to the NIV bible put together by two men who were part of the ghostly guild.
Tract # 37 Download Now
100 facts on the Sabbath Question
One Hundred Bible Facts about the Sabbath day. God has ever had a people who have kept Holy His sanctified day of rest. This tract is printed by the Second Advent Sabbatarian Society.
Tract # 40 Download Now
Philadelphia the Pure Church – Saved at Last, this is the ONLY Church God promised to keep through the hour of Temptation that has come upon the whole earth. Look up all these quotes and see the blessings of being part of God’s true church. Laodicea the Corrupt & Apostate Church- Condemned and Lost.
Tract # 42 Download Now
The question that changed my Life! If you have any heart and soul at all, it will change your life too!
Tract # 43 Download Now
Is there more than ONE part to Babylon? What according to Bible and SOP is the Babylon of Rev. 17? What according to Bible and original SOP is the Babylon of Rev. 14:8? What according to Bible and original SOP is the Babylon of Rev. 18? Why has the religious world tried SO HARD to turn the sign posts around on this? Does it really matter if we don’t understand this? Read and find out.
Tract # 44 Download Now
The Two Laws Compared. The Moral Law and the Ceremonial Law, One still stands today in its entirety, and the other was fulfilled at the Cross of Jesus Christ. Find out the Biblical truth in this short KJV Bible study.
Tract # 45 Download Now
If we could see as God sees? If we could really grasp the concepts of His Holy Words, would we be so careless and indifferent? This powerful little tract is a must read! It will awaken you to the facts as God views them. Let us take heed and beware!
Tract # 46 Download Now
Are we to be Separatists? Never associating with those who are workers of iniquity, or those who are teaching untruths no matter how sincere they may be? Are we saved alone or is it only in a group, ie a Church. This Spirit of Prophecy compilation clearly presents a comparison of these points, and leaves you to decide what the truth really is on this subject.
Tract # 47 Download Now
Ten Moral Laws & Ten Health Laws
Ten Moral Laws and Ten Health Laws. Many people know of only 8 health laws, but there are 10 Health Laws, just as there are 10 Moral Laws. Two have been cast aside by the business structure of Adventism that was raised up to start little sanitariums to help the sick learn the 10 Health Laws, and the 10 Moral Laws that they might be healed, body, mind and soul.
Tract # 48 Download Now
St. Valentines Day is the day of romance and love. Heart-shaped candies, valentine cards with lace, and flowers identify the excitement of twentieth century valentines.
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“A Traveler’s Guide to heaven” is a quick read of the basics needed for making that trip. As the little acronym for B.I.B.L.E. says- Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
Tract # 52 Download Now
Under His Wings Finding God’s Hiding Place. A study from a home school boy of 10 years. With deep insights as to what it means to be Under His Wings. Oh that we might all find that blessed place and love to dwell there, not just pop in when it is convenient.
Tract # 53 Download Now
Tract # 54 Download Now
Warning Message By H. Hoehn. A man far ahead of his time due to finding that the Spirit of Prophecy books had been changed while still in College,(1931) he sought to find out if the copyright compilations were truly the “same book” as the church said, then why was there such great care and expense to change the original, and such a push to get people turned to the compilations? As he studied and compared his finding were astounding! This one page tract takes us back to the original gospel as brought forth from the original writings. Now the question comes to each one of us. Will we HEED the WARNING SOON ENOUGH? Or will we think him mean and needlessly severe? The Choice is OURS!!!!
Tract # 55 Download Now
When it comes to the truth of God we often hear of certain people called “off-shoots.” Will the real off-shoots please stand up.
Tract # 56 Download Now