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There are many views of “What Armageddon is, and when it will happen,” BUT, there is only one Biblical answer. Multi-Part study.
There are many views of “What Armageddon is, and when it will happen,” BUT, there is only one Biblical answer. This multi-part study will present a clear, precise, detailed study on the subject of Armageddon. Join us in the search for Biblical Truth, on this subject.
There are many views of “What Armageddon is, and when it will happen,” BUT, there is only one Biblical answer. This multi-part study will present a clear, precise, detailed study on the subject of Armageddon. Join us in the search for Biblical Truth, on this subject. Part 2 Shows us the difference between a legalist, saint, and antinomian.
There are many views of “What Armageddon is, and when it will happen,” BUT, there is only one Biblical answer. We are standing on the threshold of great and solemn events. many of the prophecies are about to be fulfilled in to work. Past history will be repeated; old controversies sill arouse to new life.
The different parties of professed Advent believers have each a little truth, but God has given all these truths to His children who are being prepared for the day of God. The want-a-be SDA false prophet, Uriah Smith, and all his helpers, such as Wee Willie, Bourdeau, and Maxwell, led the “church” right into the “wine of Babylon.” Their spiritualistic books of a “new order,” all teaching things such as, the “immortality of the soul,” Satan personating Christ coming and setting up an “universal kingdom” on earth. But the God of heaven has given the faithful “truths” that none of these parties know, neither will they understand. The truth is constantly unfolding, and God designs that we shall be intelligent in regard to it, that we may be able to distinguish between right and wrong, righteousness and unrighteousness, truth and error.
The battle between the word of men, and the Word of God. Where did the SDA’s get their doctrine for the seven seals? Did they go to the word of God or other sources? They admit, “As for the prophecies of the seven seals and the seven trumpets, sda’s have in general accepted the interpretation of earlier expositions as the best explanation currently available. SDABC #10 p.1074 What does the Bible its self teach? and who is behind this doctrine of men? It is time that the truth is all revealed.
Now before we go any further let us go direct to the Bible for the truth of the Seven Seals. “As for the prophecies of the seven seals and the seven trumpets, SDA’s have in general accepted the interpretation of earlier Expositors as the best explanation currently available.” So do we accept the leaders, the doctors of divinity, the commentators, or the expositors or do we go to the Bible for the truth?
Now we do have something about horses, yes; and they are part of this whole battle. God says, Behold they shall gather together, but not by Me. It is worth the time to watch and learn to see what God says about the Horses of Revelation 6.
A view of the Last Conflict. Jesus desires His people to go forth conquering and to conquer. It was their privilege to reveal in their lives the character of their Leader. Belief in Him is to the repentant soul the germ of a new life. Company after company will leave the dark standard of the foe to come up to the standard of truth. Conquering and to Conquer is Revelation 6:2 It is the first seal.
This study is part 9 in this series of studies that teach Armageddon is not just some physical war in the future, but a spiritual battle now. Be sure to start at part 1 for the full impact of these studies.
The making of a CHART showing when judgment began and forward to the coming of Christ.
Revelation 18:23 explains it all!!! “…By thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” sorceries = pharmakeia – Strongs # G5331. medication, magic sorcery, witchcraft.
Our stand from the principles presented in the “word of the Lord” on the subject of the “use of Drugs.” Is there any benefit found in Rev. 18:23 for God’s people?
They have taken us for a ride on the drug, and war horse, we are now riding the horse of death. The bible says, ” A companion of fools shall be destroyed… destroyed for want of judgment.” Only one chance for eternal Life, “Go Ye Out” of her. Her, Babylon equals Church.
Satan will excite indignation against the humble minority who conscientiously refuse to accept popular customs. When protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its constitution as a protestant and republican government. Then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of satan, and that the end is near.
Recapping fifteen weeks of the study of Armageddon publication number 468 from the Hoehn Research Library. The Spiritual battle that is swelling to a climax. Will you pass the test. You can find the study at, http://www.hoehn_research_library.org
This is the last study in this series –“The Summary”–