“The Lord says to the young,,‘My son, give me thine heart.”The Saviour of the world loves to have children and youth give their hearts to Him. There may be a large army of children who shall be found faithful to God, because they walk in the light, as Christ is in the light. They will love the Lord Jesus, and it will be their delight to please Him. They will not be impatient, if reproved; but will make glad the heart of father and mother by their kindness, their patience, their willingness to do all they can in helping to bear the burdens of daily life. Through childhood and youth, they will be found faithful disciples of our Lord.
“Children and youth should begin early to seek God; for early habits and impressions will frequently exert a powerful influence upon the life and character. Many of the little home duties are overlooked as of no consequence; but if the small things are neglected, the larger duties will be also. You want to be whole men and women, with pure, sound, noble characters. Begin the work at home; take up the little duties and do them with thoroughness and exactness. When the Lord sees you are faithful in that which is least, He will intrust you with larger responsibilities. Be careful how you build, and what kind of material you put into the building. The characters you are now forming will be lasting as eternity.
“Therefore the youth who would be like Samuel, John, and especially like Christ, must be faithful in the things which are least, turning away from the companions who plan evil and who think that their life in the world is to be one of pleasure and selfish indulgence.
“Let Jesus take possession of your mind, your heart, and your affections, and work as Christ worked, doing conscientiously the home duties, little acts of self-denial, and deeds of kindness, employing the moments diligently, keeping a careful watch against little sins, and a grateful heart for little blessings, and you will have at last such a testimony for yourself as was given of John and Samuel, and especially of Christ: ‘And he increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with man’.” YI, November 3, 1886 – E.G.White
“Give Me Thine Heart”
“Even through children and youth, the light of life may shine upon those who sit in darkness. Then watch and pray, and obtain a personal experience in the things of God. Your parents may teach you, they may try to guide your feet into safe paths; but it is impossible for them to change your heart. Youmust give your heart to Jesus, and walk in the precious light of truth that He has given you. Faithfully take up your duties in the home life, and, through the grace of God, you may grow up unto the full stature of what Christ would have a child grow to be in Him. The fact that your parents keep the Sabbath, and obey the truth,will not insure your salvation. For though Noah and Job and Daniel were in the land, ‘As I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness’.” YI, August 17, 1893
In childhood and youth you may have an experience in the service of God. Do the things that you know to be right. Be obedient to your parents. Listen to their counsels; for if they love and fear God, upon them will be laid the responsibility of educating, disciplining, and training your soul for the immortal life. Thankfully receive the help they want to give you, and make their hearts glad by cheerfully submitting yourselves to the dictates of their wiser judgments. In this way you will honor your parents, glorify God, and become a blessing to those with whom you associate. You will be following the example of Jesus, Who, when twelve years old, was wise beyond His years, and was found sitting among the learned rabbis, hearing them and asking them questions, so that they were astonished at His wisdom; yet He returned with His parents to Nazareth, and was subject unto them. E. G. White -YI, August 17, 1893
“….The Lord Jesus has made heaven accessible to all who will come unto Him, and He invites the children and the youth to come. He said, ‘Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.’ Jesus would have the children and the youth come to him with the same confidence with which they go to their parents. As a child asks his mother or father for bread when he is hungry, so the Lord would have you ask Him for the things which you need. If your sins are heavy upon your heart, you are to come to God and say, ‘For Christ’s sake, forgive my sins.’ Every sincere prayer will be heard in heaven, and every earnest petition for grace and strength will be answered.” YI, July 7, 1892