Good Health

Valuable Health Information

 Gallbladder Liver Cleanse Are you tired of dragging out of bed, pushing yourself to get anything accomplished during the day then collapsing into bed again. If you have never had a parasite cleanse and a liver gallbladder cleanse then NOW is the time! This short article will give you the instructions to be able to do the cleanse from start to finish with excellent results.    


 pdf Gallbladder Liver Cleanse Instructions

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Morning Star Farms — Does your Vegan Veggie Burger have “Meat” in it? How good for you are “Processed Foods”? On the ranch we learned while watching  “a calf eating cow dung, that “Processed Foods” are not good for you!  Are you eating “processed food” or real food? Are you not really a “Vegan”? How do they get it to taste so real? Well maybe it is just a bit real. “Reaction Flavors” are added for the true taste experience! Read this 1989 letter from Worthington Foods and tell me, is our food any safer today than it was in 1989?


One Page Tracts






Americas Health Myth
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pdfBe Wary of Cheese
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pdfCharcoal Therapy
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pdfDrink Milk
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pdfPigs Resume
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THE PLACE OF HERBS IN RATIONAL THERAPY– When you understand physiology in its truest sense, your drug bills will be very much smaller, and finally will cease to deal out drugs at all. The physician who depends upon drug medication in his practice, shows that he does not understand the delicate machinery of the human organism. He is introducing into the system a seed that will never lose its destroying properties throughout the lifetime. I tell you because I dare not withold it. Christ paid to much for man’s redemption to have his body so ruthlessly treated as it has been by drug medication. Years ago the Lord revealed to me that institutions should be established for treating the sick without drugs. Man is God’s property, and the ruin that has been made of the living habitation, the suffering caused by the seeds of death sown in the human system, are an offense to God. MANUSCRIPT RELEASE, VOL. 20 PG. 117; LETTER 73, 1896

pdfThe Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy- Originally Compiled by: ELDER D.E. ROBINSON/ E.G.W – MAY 26,1931
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Principles of Health Reform*The Principles of Health Reform This little tract will doubtless fall into the hands of many who know comparatively nothing of the object of its publication or the principles it advocates. This beginners guide will help you, learn how to prevent sickness with simple principles of health, as well as how to treat disease, without drugs that have no curative or healing power. Document # 530

pdfPrinciples of Health Reform
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pdf3 Tobacco Tracks
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pdfWhy I am a Vegitarian
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Are you “Sick and Tired” of being “Sick” and “Tired”? Have many of your family and friends died of cancer? There is a “Cancer Cure” more than 20 years ago I was given 3 months to live, I never went with the “Doctors” way, but followed God’s plan. This introductory to beating cancer will help you make the “Right Choice” Life.

God has written in Exodus 20 the TEN Commandments, but through out His Word, you will find 10 Health Laws. If each one of us obey the Ten laws of Health, we will find that we will have little to no need of pharmakeia ! which receives the curse of God in Revelation 18:23.
Includes how to cure a headache without pain killers and much more.

REST- One of the Ten Laws of health. When observing proper REST in all of it’s forms we can enjoy good health without -Psoriasis, Stomach & Intestinal disorders, MS, Fiber -myalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Manic Depression, Cancer & Etc…  Watch and learn the many ways the Master Designer of our living machinery has given us REST.

Health, Eating and Drinking

111445285The Importance of Physical, Mental, and Spiritual is: Being Balanced

The knowledge of health is very important to life, and even spiritual life. Just think about it for a moment; have you ever had a really bad headache? I believe we can all say that we have, now have you ever had to make a decision while you had that headache? It was harder than normal, right! This is my point, when the physical is not working, i.e. a headache, the mental doesn’t function very well either. But, if we take this a step further when we have that headache and the physical is slowed, the mental is not clear, the spiritual will be failing as well. Have you ever tried to listen to a sermon, or read the Bible when in great pain? When asked what was said or read, you can’t recall anything.

Good Health is something that money cannot buy, though many try, good health can only be achieved by learning about eight doctors and how they work, then applying their message to our lives. In this section you will learn about proper diet, how to make food your medicine, herbal medicine, and hydrotherapy.

Valuable Health Information

 Gallbladder Liver Cleanse Are you tired of dragging out of bed, pushing yourself to get anything accomplished during the day then collapsing into bed again. If you have never had a parasite cleanse and a liver gallbladder cleanse then NOW is the time! This short article will give you the instructions to be able to do the cleanse from start to finish with excellent results.    


 pdf Gallbladder Liver Cleanse Instructions

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Morning Star Farms — Does your Vegan Veggie Burger have “Meat” in it? How good for you are “Processed Foods”? On the ranch we learned while watching  “a calf eating cow dung, that “Processed Foods” are not good for you!  Are you eating “processed food” or real food? Are you not really a “Vegan”? How do they get it to taste so real? Well maybe it is just a bit real. “Reaction Flavors” are added for the true taste experience! Read this 1989 letter from Worthington Foods and tell me, is our food any safer today than it was in 1989?


One Page Tracts






Americas Health Myth
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pdfBe Wary of Cheese
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pdfCharcoal Therapy
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pdfDrink Milk
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pdfPigs Resume
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pdfSoft Drinks
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THE PLACE OF HERBS IN RATIONAL THERAPY– When you understand physiology in its truest sense, your drug bills will be very much smaller, and finally will cease to deal out drugs at all. The physician who depends upon drug medication in his practice, shows that he does not understand the delicate machinery of the human organism. He is introducing into the system a seed that will never lose its destroying properties throughout the lifetime. I tell you because I dare not withold it. Christ paid to much for man’s redemption to have his body so ruthlessly treated as it has been by drug medication. Years ago the Lord revealed to me that institutions should be established for treating the sick without drugs. Man is God’s property, and the ruin that has been made of the living habitation, the suffering caused by the seeds of death sown in the human system, are an offense to God. MANUSCRIPT RELEASE, VOL. 20 PG. 117; LETTER 73, 1896

pdfThe Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy- Originally Compiled by: ELDER D.E. ROBINSON/ E.G.W – MAY 26,1931
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Principles of Health Reform*The Principles of Health Reform This little tract will doubtless fall into the hands of many who know comparatively nothing of the object of its publication or the principles it advocates. This beginners guide will help you, learn how to prevent sickness with simple principles of health, as well as how to treat disease, without drugs that have no curative or healing power. Document # 530

pdfPrinciples of Health Reform
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pdf3 Tobacco Tracks
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pdfWhy I am a Vegitarian
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Are you “Sick and Tired” of being “Sick” and “Tired”? Have many of your family and friends died of cancer? There is a “Cancer Cure” more than 20 years ago I was given 3 months to live, I never went with the “Doctors” way, but followed God’s plan. This introductory to beating cancer will help you make the “Right Choice” Life.

God has written in Exodus 20 the TEN Commandments, but through out His Word, you will find 10 Health Laws. If each one of us obey the Ten laws of Health, we will find that we will have little to no need of pharmakeia ! which receives the curse of God in Revelation 18:23.
Includes how to cure a headache without pain killers and much more.

REST- One of the Ten Laws of health. When observing proper REST in all of it’s forms we can enjoy good health without -Psoriasis, Stomach & Intestinal disorders, MS, Fiber -myalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Manic Depression, Cancer & Etc…  Watch and learn the many ways the Master Designer of our living machinery has given us REST.

Health, Eating and Drinking