Herbal Mixtures


#1. BLOOD PURIFICATION- An overload of toxins and waste matter in the blood can overburden the system, causing disorders and disease. God has provided and abundance of blood purifiers which can be combined effectively into a formula containing: Bayberry Bark, Blue Vervain, Cat- nip, Chickweed, Comfrey Root, Fenugreek Seed, Gentian Root, Golden Seal Root, Hyssop, Irish Moss, Myrrh Gum, Prickly Ash Bark, and Yellow Dock.

#2. FEMALE PROBLEMS- Herbs reported to have a positive influence, by “feeding” the genital- urinary organs during pregnancy, the beginning of menopause, and during the menstrual cycle. This group of herbs includes: Black Cohosh, Blessed Thistle, Capsicum, Damiana, Golden Seal, Licorice Root, Red Raspberry Leaves, and Squaw vine.

#3. NERVOUSNESS- When the body is in need of a soothing restoration to the nervous system, a combination of: Black Cohosh, capsicum Gin- ger Root, Hops, Lady Slipper Root, Sage, Skullcap, Valerian Root, Worm Wood. Helps to rebuild frayed nerve sheaths and promote and inner calm.

#4. KIDNEY AND BLADDER- A Combination of: Chamomile Flower, Corn silk, Dandelion Root, Ginger Root, Juniper Berry, Nettle, Parsley Root, Sassafras Bark, Shavegrass, Uva Ursi, and Yarrow. Tones, cleanses and builds these organs and acts as a diuretic for improving toxic eliminations and for strengthening these organs’ effectiveness.

#5. HEART VESSELS- Capsicum, and Hawthorne Berries are food for the heart. Combined with: Motherwort, Mullein, Nettles, Passion Flower, and Valerian Root. They provide strength and restoration to the heart muscle and valves, helping to increase circulatory benefits.

#6. INFECTION- A healthy lymph system is the body’s defense against infections of all kinds. Black Walnut Hulls, Capsicum, Echinacea Root, Golden Seal, Mullein, Lobelia and Nettles have healing properties that fight and cleanse infection.

#7. DIURETIC- Many of the herbs found in nature are diuretics. A group of the best of these includes: Chickweed, Corn silk, Golden Rod, Juni- per Berry, Marshmallow Root, Nettles, Parsley Root, Red Raspberry Leaves, Shavegrass, and Uva Ursi.

#8. LOWER BOWEL -Disease BEGINS in the colon! Healing can begin to take place ONLY after the Lower bowel is unclogged. Nutrients cannot be assimilated through layer upon layer of dried waste and toxic substances. Bayberry Bark, Capsicum. Cascara Sagrada, Comfrey Root, Fenu- greek Seed, Ginger Root, Parsley, Red Raspberry leaves, Rhubarb Root act as a natural broom and also provide cleansing stimulation to the liver and gall bladder.

#9. PROSTATE- Inflammation and enlargement of the prostate gland makes some men’s mid to later life miserable. A group of herbs that are known to clean out sedimentation and treat infection include: Black Co- hosh, Capsicum, Fo-Ti, Ginger Root, Kelp, Licorice Root, Parsley Leaves and Uva Ursi.

#10. POULTICE- Insect bites, sores, boils, abbesses and wounds are not the only problems that can be treated with a poultice of: Charcoal, Com- frey Root, Flaxseed, Golden Seal, and Slippery Elm Bark. Enlarged glands, burns, arthritis, & joint pain of all descriptions can be helped by an externally applied poultice to the affected area.

#11. THYROID-Formula is rich in vitamins & trace minerals, normalizes the metabolism while revitalizing the thyroid gland. Also benefits kidneys, liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Utilizing the nutrients in: Capsicum, Irish Moss, Kelp & Parsley with root.

#12. ULCER WOUNDS- Both internal and external ulcers & wounds are healed with natural healing agents found in: Capsicum, Comfrey Root, Echinacea Root, Golden Seal Root, and Myrrh Gum.

#13. ASTHMA- HAY FEVER- Sufferers of upper respiratory allergic symp- toms report noticeable improvement when using a blend of: Black Co- hosh, Blessed Thistle, Capsicum, Catnip, Comfrey Root, Mullein, Pleurisy Root, and Skullcap.

#14. ENERGY PICKUP- A combination of Capsicum, Ginseng, Gotu- Kola, and Fo-Ti gives amazing results for persons needing an energy boost. Fo-Ti has, for centuries, been known as the long life elixir, as well as being hailed for its energy giving benefits. Gout-Kola is valued for its curative properties in the treatment of mental troubles (Senility, weakness, loss of memory, depression) as well as high blood pressure.

#15. BLOOD PRESSURE– This formula regulates blood pressure, strengthens vascular system, thereby improving blood circulation. These include Capsicum, Garlic, Ginger Root, Ginseng, Golden Seal Root, Parsley Leaves.

#16. SLEEP- A proven effective way to assist the body in obtaining a rest- ful night’s sleep: Hops, Valerian, and Skullcap. Highly valued, widely recognized and used.
#17. PAIN- Pain should not always be treated solely symptomatically. Blessed Thistle, Blue Violet Leaves, Capsicum, Skullcap, Valerian Root, Vervain, and Wild Lettuce are effective for pain of various causes and for relief of nervous tension.

#18. WEIGHT REDUCTION– Formula helps suppress appetite. effective in overcoming brain fatigue, revitalizes whole system, flushes bloodstream of re-circulated products from burned up fat, eliminates excess water, Feeds thyroid gland- increases rate of fat burn. Strengthens all glands: Black Walnut Hull, Chaparral, Chickweed Cleavers, Echinacea Root, Fennel Seed, Gotu Kola, Hawthorne Berry, Kelp, Licorice Root, Pa- paya Leaves, and Safflowers.

#19. METABOLISM- Helpful herbs beneficial in restoring normal, active, metabolic activity. These include. Alfalfa, Aloe Vera, Black Cohosh, Capsicum, Comfrey Root, Fennel Seed, Garlic, Ginseng, Fo-Ti, Gotu Kola, Licorice Root, Myrrh Gum, Parsley Leaves, and Sarsaparilla Root.

#20. COLDS & FLU- To remove fevers, infection, mucous build-up, chest and upper respiratory complaints– From Cold & Flu: Bayberry Bark, Cap- sicum, Cloves, Comfrey Root, Fenugreek Seed, Echinacea Root, Gin- ger Root, Golden Seal Root, Thyme, White Pine Bark.

#21. CHEST & LUNGS– This blend takes care of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, emphysema, coughs, and other respiratory complaints: Chick- weed, Comfrey Root, Fenugreek Seed, Marshmallow Root, Mullein, Slippery Elm Bark, and Thyme.

#22. MEMORY & MENTAL ALERTNESS- Noticeable improvement comes when these seven super brain foods are used together, remarkable energizing effects on brain cells, increased clarity of mind, relief of nervous exhaustion and/or depression: Blessed Thistle, Borage Root, Comfrey Root, Fo-Ti, Ginseng, Gotu Kola, and Rosemary.

#23. SKIN- ACNE- Acne & boils disappear with the use of these: Black Walnut Hull, Burdock Root, Capsicum, Chaparral, Dandelion Root, Echinacea Root, Golden Seal Root, Kelp, Licorice Root, Safflower, Sassafras Bark, & Valerian Root.

#24. PRENATAL- Expectant mothers have reported easier deliveries with less hemorrhaging when they started taking a mixture of these herbs six weeks before expected delivery: Black Cohosh, Blessed Thistle, Blue Cohosh, Catnip, Motherwort, Peppermint leaves, Red Raspberry leaves, Rhubarb Root, Spearmint leaves, Spikenard, Squaw vine, and Wild Yam Root.

#25. DIGESTION & NAUSEA- God has bountifully blessed us with herbs to promote easier digestion and food assimilation as well as provide relief from nausea and vomiting: Capsicum, Catnip, Chamomile, Cloves, Fen- nel Seed, Ginger Root, Marjoram, Papaya Enzyme, Peppermint leaves, Spearmint Leaves, and Wood Betony.

#26. EYES- This combination can be used as eyewash as well as taken internally for brightening the eyes, healing and strengthening them. It re- moves cataracts, Conjunctivitis, macular degeneration, and lesions- it contains equal parts: Bayberry Bark, Eyebright, Red Raspberry leaves, Golden Seal Root, Myrrh Gum, Chamomile, Chaparral, and 1/8 part – Capsicum. Rinsing the eyes 8 to 10 times a day with the strained and cooled tea of the mixture has powerful results.

#27. LAXATIVE– Cleanses intestinal tract, removes toxins, prevents gas and fermentation, regulates bowel function, normalizes proper nutrient assimilation. Tried & true formula: Black Walnut Hulls, Cascara Sagrada, Fennel Seed Flax Seed, Licorice Root, Psyllium Seed, and Senna Leaves.

#28. LIVER & GALL BLADDER- Purging, toning, and stimulation the liver and gall bladder are: Barberry Bark, Catnip, Dandelion Root, Gentian

Root, Golden Seal Root, Parsley Root, Peppermint Leaves, Shave- grass, and Yellow Dock.
#29. DIABETES & PANCREAS– Taken into the pancreas these herbs act like natural insulin, stimulating it to revert to its natural functions of normal- izing the blood sugar: Blueberry Leaves, Capsicum, Dandelion Root, Ginger Root, Golden Seal Root, Juniper Berry, Licorice Root, Myrrh Gum, Red Raspberry leaves, Saw Palmetto.

#30. MENOPAUSE- As women age the nutritional needs increase while her intake of vital nutrients decreases. Some herbs have the ability to nourish the essential organs with hormone producing capacities. When Black Cohosh, Buchu Leaves, Elder Flower, False Unicorn Root, Licorice, Passion Flower, and Sarsaparilla Root are taken together, they activate the body to regulate the hormone balance without the harm- ful effects drugs produce.

#31. SINUS-HAY FEVER- These herbs together have antihistamine and decongestant properties: Bee Pollen, Blue Cohosh, Capsicum, Golden Seal Root, Hyssop, Mullein, and Saw Palmetto.
#32. ARTHRITIS- This herbal formula cleans & heals rheumatic and ar- thritic conditions Natural steroids reduce & eliminate swelling and inflam- mation in the soft tissues and joints with no side effects. Helps return the calcium to solution and remove it from troubled areas, removes toxins and bacteria from the body: Alfalfa Leaves, Buckthorn Bark, Chaparral, Comfrey Root, Devil’s Claw Root, Licorice Root, Sassafras Bark, Slip- pery Elm Bark, Wild Yam Root, Yarrow, and Yucca.

#33. MALE GLANDS- Men Experience a mid-life slow down in their over- all hormone activity. This formula is a natural remedy provided to feed and improve their health and keep them vital and active: Buchu Leaves, Damiana, False Unicorn Root, Fo-Ti, Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Sarsaparilla Root and Saw Palmetto.

#34. HEADACHE and MIGRAINES- Relief from pain, including migraines & menstrual cramps, lessons nervous tension and nausea: Blue Violet Leaves, Ginger Root, Peppermint Leaves, Rosemary, Sage, Skullcap, and Wood Betony.

#35. HORMONE BALANCE- The entire system (Adrenals, pancreas, pituitary, thyroid, pineal, and thymus) is fed by a combination of: Bayberry Bark, Chamomile, Chickweed, Coltsfoot, Comfrey Root, Hyssop, Ju- niper Berries, Licorice Root, and Wild Cherry Bark. In utilizing these natural substances, the body can be revitalized from within, without drug- related problems.

#36. DRUG WITHDRAWAL- It can be very difficult to withdraw from de- pendence upon any drug. We have been given wholesome herbs to assist in this difficult restoration. This powerful combo: Black Cohosh, Capsi- cum, Chaparral, Hops, Ginger Root, Golden Seal Root, Lady Slipper Root, Licorice, Sage, Skullcap and Valerian Root.

#37. SPRING TONIC- Our wise ancestors always utilized a spring tonic to nudge the body into renewed vigor for the coming activities. A tried and true combination includes: Catnip, Chickweed, Dandelion Root, Elder Berry Flowers, Hyssop, and Yellow Dock.

#38. STRESS- Herbs with the elements that assist in the nourishing of the endocrine system and help the body heal from the ravages of stress, as well as build a zest and stamina for life are found in the combination: Bay- berry Bark, Ginger Root, Ginseng, Golden Seal Root, Licorice Root, Slippery Elm Bark and Uva Ursi.

#39. Tumor- An herbal formula effective in tumor reduction containing: Beet Root, Black Walnut, Blue Violet Leaves, Chaparral, Echinacea Root, Parsley Root, Plantain, Red Clover Flower, Red Raspberry Leaves, Slippery Elm Bark, and Yellow Dock.

#40. ANEMIA- IRON- Barberry Bark, Beet Root, BlackBerry Leaves, Comfrey Root, Dandelion, Fenugreek Seed, Yellow Dock and Hops are very high in elements used for building red blood cells, such as iron, which brings oxygen to body cells and takes away carbon dioxide. An iron

deficiency makes a lack of red blood cells, which in turn causes anemia and low blood pressure.
#41. CALCIUM- MINERALS- Herbs that are rich in calcium, natural silica which is converted to calcium in the body and have important trace miner- als are: Comfrey Root, Kelp, Oat straw, and Shavegrass. This group is especially important in healing broken bones, nails and hair.

#42. HAIR HEALTH- Herbalists have perfected a combination that nour- ishes the hair, promoting strength, shine, and body: Alfalfa Leaves, Bur- dock Root, Capsicum, Kelp, Nettle Leaves, Parsley Root, Rosemary, Sage and Shavegrass. Also helps to strengthen fingernails.

#43. PARASITES- Internal parasites can be more of a problem than many people are aware of, The ammonia nitrate thrown off by the living, breed- ing, and dying parasites causes cancer cells to grow. Kill the parasites and cleanse the body of the toxins, (Via a liver/gallbladder flush) the cancer will die off; if you wish to get a good kill off, take them for 30 days, as some eggs take upwards to 28 days to hatch, and you must kill the hatchlings before they can grow, breed and lay eggs. These herbs kill parasites: Black Walnut Hulls, Cloves, Wormwood, Chaparral, Motherwort, Pumpkin seeds, Wood Betony, Garlic, Hibiscus, Tansy, 1/8th part Cascara Sagrada.

#44. HYPOGLYCAEMIA- LOW BLOOD SUGAR- A natural herbal for- mula that effectively corrects adrenal and pancreatic gland imbalances in hypoglycemia. It allows the blood sugar level to remain in control by stimu- lating and actuating the adrenal glands. Helps the body handle stress and aids in eliminating toxic waste from the body. While this natural and harm- less formula offers an alternative to drugs. It should be remembered that a correct nutritious diet is essential for complete recovery. This formula con- tains: Catnip, Dandelion Root, Hawthorn Berry, Juniper Berry and Licorice Root.

#45. CIRCULATION- A valuable formula that effectively equalizes circula- tion without raising blood pressure. Relieves the heart and arteries of un- due tension. High mineral and vitamin content. This formula contains: Black Cohosh, Cayenne, Chickweed, Golden Seal Root, Hyssop, Pleurisy Root, and Rose Hips.

#46. BONES, FLESH, AND CARTILAGE- Ingredients: Oak Bark, Comfrey Leaves, Marshmallow Root, Mullein Herb, Walnut Bark (or Leaves), Gravel Root, Wormwood, Lobelia, Skullcap. Use internally, and as a poultice to heal broken bones, spine spurs, as well as flesh and cartilage. As a fomentation for up to 8 hours a day, or at night to heal the spine. Soak wool flannel in the warm decoction, wring cloth out a little, lay it down the spine, cover with plastic and a heating pad. Do this each night 6 days a week for upwards to 8 months until healing is complete.