What an idea ! Is it done away that God created the world? Is the history of the prophets done away? James tells us to take the prophets as an example of patience, &c. How can we do this, if it is done away? Are the prophecies done away because fulfilled? Is it not as necessary for us to know what prophecies related to Christ, as it was for the apostles to know them ? Is it less necessary for our faith in Christ to be informed on these points, than it was for the followers of Christ in the first century?
Done away ! Did Paul think so when he exhorted Timothy to study to show himself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth ? Why does Paul say that all scripture is profitable, if it is done away?
Are the five books of Moses done away, containing the only history of the world in that early period? Is it done away that there was a flood, a tower of Babel, confusion of tongues (the present time of confusion of tongues, and ideas, and religions, would to heaven it were done away!) a faithful Abraham, a life-saving Joseph, a meek Moses, an oppressing Pharaoh, a divided Red Sea, saving one, and drowning another, army, a forty years’ journey in the wilderness ?
Is it done away that there was a people of God tossed to and fro for many hundred years, whose history is made up of captivities and conquests, of mingled joy and sorrow? Are the dealings of God with them less interesting to us than to them? Their prophets and wise men, may we not study their history, emulate their virtues, and avoid their errors?
Done away! Is the prophecy of Daniel done away, reaching down to the resurrection of the dead? And is it not as necessary for us to have the first, as the last, link of the chain? And in the whole work of redemption, is it not as necessary to understand the first steps under the Mosaic economy, as the last under the present dispensation?
Can the person who has only read the New Testament, have as comprehensive a view of the work of redemption as he who has studied both Old and New Testaments? Can he who only sees the antitype, as well understand allusions to the type as he who has studied both type and antitype?
No: he who has studied thoroughly the Old Testament is as much better prepared to receive the truths of the New, as the land ditched and subsoiled is better prepared for the seed, than the half-ploughed field of the drone. And this is probably the reason why so few are deep-rooted and substantial christians. This is the reason so few understand the connection of God’s word. They have rejected the foundation of all, because as they blindly assert and believe, the Old is done away!
Think of a child’s regarding the five fundamental rules of arithmetic done away because he had progressed to the square root. Done away! Why, his teacher would ask him, Are you not using these rules at every turn in your arithmetical studies?
But I desire to convince, not to chide. I have no right to step beyond this point. My heart has not charity enough yet to bear as I should with all the snaky forms of error we meet at every turn. It is so strange that errors are loved and hugged to the bosom as so many dear, invaluable gems of perfection! 0, how dear are these old, antiquated notions; not old, either; for many of them have been gotten up within my own recollection. I was taught by my parents in childhood that the law was the test of sin. Now my father is much grieved that I should go back to the law, which has been done away, as he infers, by Christ. But adieu to human wisdom, and the traditions of the fathers. Let us confess with the prophet that both we and our fathers have sinned and done wickedly. O, for patience.
J. Clarke
The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald Nov. 26, 1861