THE minimum Christian! And who is he? The Christian who is going to be saved at the cheapest rate possible; the Christian who intends to get all the World he can, and not meet the worldling’s doom; the Christian who aims to have as little religion as he may, without lacking it altogether.
The minimum Christian goes to church in the morning, and in the afternoon also, unless it rains, or is too warm, or too cold, or he is too sleepy, or has a headache from eating too much dinner. He listens most respectfully to the preacher, and joins in the prayer and praise. He applies the truth very judiciously, —sometimes to himself, often to his neighbors.
The minimum Christian is very friendly to all good works. He wishes them well, but it is not in his power to do much for them. The Sabbath-school he looks upon as an admirable institution, especially for the neglected and the ignorant. It is not convenient, however, for him to take a class. His business engagements are so pressing during the week that he needs the Sabbath as a day of rest; nor does he think himself qualified to act as a teacher. There are so many persons better prepared for this important duty that he must beg to be excused. He is very friendly to home and foreign missions and colportage, and gives his mite. He thinks there are too many appeals, but he gives, if not enough to save his reputation, pretty near it; at all events he aims to.
The minimum Christian is not clear on a number of points. The opera and dancing, the theater and card-playing, and large, fashionable parties, give him much trouble. He cannot see the harm in this or that, or the other popular amusement. There is nothing in the Bible against it. He does not see but that a man may be a Christian and dance, or go to the opera. He knows several excellent persons who do so. Why should not he? He stands so close to the dividing line between the people of God and the world that it is hard to say on which side of it he is actually to be found.
Ah, my brother, are you making this attempt? Beware, lest you find at last that, in trying to get into Heaven with a little religion, you miss it altogether: lest, without gaining the whole world, you lose your own soul!
The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald Feb. 21 1878