THE square man measures the same each way, and he hasn’t any crooked edges or shaky lumber in him. He is free from knots and sap, and won’t warp. He is clear stuff, and I don’t care what you work him up into, he won’t swell, and he won’t shrink. He is amongst men what good kiln-dried boards are among carpenters; he won’t season-crack. It doesn’t make any difference which side of him you come up to, he is the same size each way, and the only way to get at him anyhow is to face him. He knows he is square, and never spends any time trying to prove it. The square man is one of the best shaped men the world has ever seen, produced through obedience to the Word of God; he is one of that kind of people who can’t be altered to fit a spot, but you must alter the spot to fit him.