“The world must not be introduced into the church and married to the church. Through union with the world the church will become corrupt,–“a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.” The customs of the world must not have a place; for they will be open doors through which the prince of darkness will find access, and the line of demarkation will become indistinguishable between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. Jesus presented a parable to his followers concerning a field in which it was supposed there was nothing sown but good wheat. But those to whom the field had been intrusted looked upon it with disappointment, for with the wheat came up also a crop of tares. They inquired of the owner, “Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?” The owner of the field replied, “An enemy hath done this.”
The world is the chief enemy of religion; for Satanic forces are continually at work through the world, and it is theobject of Satan to bring the churchand the worldinto such close fellowship that their aims, theirspirit, their principles, shall harmonize, and that it will be impossible to distinguish between him who professes to serve God and him who serveth him not. The enemy works continually to push the world to the front, and to make it appear that those who do not serve Jesus, who do not believe in him, and who do not seek to be doers of his word, are superior in character to those who seek to follow in his footsteps.
It was the world that crucified the Lord of life and glory. Jesus was put to death to gratify the malice of the Jews, who were filled with the spirit and principles of the world. They hated the spotless Son of God, because the principles he presented did not harmonize with their ideas,–did not coincide with their ambitious aims. They hated him because he condemned all guile, frowned upon every unholy practice, and rebuked their self-seeking policy and love of supremacy. Pilate and Herod became friends in crucifying Jesus Christ. Notwithstanding Pilate had pronounced him innocent, he gratified the enmity of the Jews, by consenting to the death of one who was guiltless. Even the disciples of Christ were swayed from their allegiance to Christ by the enmity of the world. Judas betrayed his Lord for thirty pieces of silver, and Peter denied him in his humiliation in the judgment-hall. A few hours before, he had, with great firmness, assured his Master that though all men should deny him, he would not; but that he was ready to go with him to prison and to death. In his self-confidence he would not hear to the truth that he would deny his Master thrice ere the cock should crow. He was so self-confident that he would not receive the word of Christ as verity and truth. How little he knew himself! In the very hour when he should have watched with Jesus, lifting his heart to heaven in prayer, he denied his Master. When accused of being one of the disciples of Jesus, he declared that he knew not the man; and as the charge was made again and again, he finally emphasized his denial with cursing and swearing. Then Jesus turned and looked upon Peter. That glance was full of sadness and grief, but not of despair. It broke the heart of Peter, and sent him forth to weep bitterly in repentance of his sin.”
RH, February 26, 1895
Satan has done a very good job, in bringing the World into the Church!!! We ALL need to let that look from Jesus break us, and remove our self-confidence, be broken, and truly converted to JESUS, not the Church or the World!!! Then follow the Command of our Condemned, Crucified, Resurrected, Victorious Saviour, and ‘Go ye Out’ to the open door, Church. See Revelation 3:8, You will find that door open into the ‘Most Holy Place’ where Jesus is finishing His work. Sins are forgiven in the Court yard of the sanctuary, but they are only blotted out in the ‘Most Holy Place’ therefore if you want sins Forgiven, and blotted out, when the times of refreshing come, you must ‘By Faith’ enter into the ‘Most Holy Place’.