We never thought we would need a page dedicated to video sermons, but here it is at last. We hope and pray that you will enjoy it, but more importantly we pray it will be a spiritual and educational experience. May the truth stand forth brightly.
We have many more videos on our YouTube page that are not here. Here is a link to our channel.
The short video below is a “Warning to the Home Churched” of all denominations. Who are you trusting with your salvation? The Jesuits have claimed they have representatives in every group of people and in every denomination. The Wiccan Witches (Satanists) have claimed that they have one of there people in every group as well. Trust the Word of God, preachers only give processed spiritual food, and processed food is not good for you. Study to show yourselves approved of God. Jesus is coming soon! (in some browsers the cover picture doesn’t show, just click the play button anyway, it should play)