Where are the Stars?

     I was walking out one evening, just after sunset, with a child a few years old by my side, who asked me, “Where are the stars? I don’t see any.” I said to her, “Wait till it is a little darker, and then you will see them” We continued our walk, she clinging fast to my hand. The shades of evening deepened; one by one the stars appeared, and soon, in the darkness of the night the whole sky was covered with their light and beauty.

     As we walked on, I fell a musing, and when we returned, the musing still went on as I repeated to my heart, “Wait till it is a little darker, and the light will come.” Often have we heard that “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity;” that “when he has humbled us he will exalt us;” that “he will cause light to rise out of obscurity;” and that “the darkest time is just be- fore day.” And many a poor, weary, troubled soul has found in his own experience, that from the verge of despair the blessedness of hope has sprung. When all other help had failed him, God had been his help and Saviour. But we are very slow to get the comfort of these promises and proverbs in advance. After the stars have come out bright, and the sky is radiant with glory, we admire it, and wonder at our want of faith before. Like the child who did not know where the stars were when she could not see them, we do not know where light, and peace, and joy are to come from when we are in trouble. Well, we must wait till it is a little darker. We have not had trial enough yet. We must fret and worry about the future; we must see the country, and our business, and our property going to ruin; we must be perplexed and distressed on every side, and cast down, and nearly destroyed; perhaps we must actually suffer by hunger, and nakedness and the sword; but when it is a little darker the stars will appear. The day star will arise on our hearts. The Lord will provide. Our food and raiment will come. Zion will arise and shine. And the days of our morning will be ended.

The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald March 31, 1863

#644  Christ in Song Hymnal 

           Courage Brother

Courage, brother, do not stumble,

Though thy path be dark as night;

There’s a star to guide the humble:

Trust in God and do the right.

Let the road be rough and dreary,

And its end far out of sight,

Foot it bravely; strong or weary,


◦ Trust in God, trust in God,

◦ Trust in God and do the right.

Perish policy and cunning,

Perish all that fears the light!

Whether losing, whether winning,

Trust in God and do the right.

Trust no party, sect, or faction;

Trust no leaders in the fight;

But in every word or action,

◦ Refrain:

Some will hate thee, some will love thee,

Some will flatter, some will slight;

Cease from man, and look above thee:

Trust in God and do the right.

Take His Word for, and safest guiding,

Inward peace and inward might,

Star upon our path abiding,