WHO told you that the six days of creation week were long periods of time ? Has the Lord ? Who told you that the Sabbath was made only for the Jews ? No Bible writer, never. Who told you that the Sabbath was abolished at the cross, or that it was changed from the seventh to the first day of the week ? Has the Bible ? No; not once in all that book has any such thing been hinted at.

     Who told you that we can now choose any day we please for our Sabbath ? Not God, but men. Who told you that God has become so slack concerning His word that man’s word should now be above His ? No such assurance is found in the Word of inspiration. Who is now telling you, and who has told you in the past, that the first day of the week is the Christian Sabbath ? The Lord has not, certainly. Who told you that “Lord’s day ” (Rev. 1:10) is the first day of the week ? Men.

     Who told you that the “seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God” ? The Lord, with His own voice. Ex. 20:10. Who told you that the Sabbath was made for man ? It was the Lord himself. Mark 2:27. Who told you that God would not break His covenant, nor alter the thing that had gone out of His lips ? He who created the heavens and the earth has said so.  Ps. 89:34. Who has shown you that the Sabbath was kept according to the commandment after the death of Christ  The Bible states the fact in Luke 23:56.

     Who told you that Paul, while in Corinth, worked at his trade and preached every Sabbath to both Jews and Greeks, and continued to do so a year and six months, and all this, too, more than twenty years after Christ’s crucifixion Luke tells this, and there is no disputing it. Acts 18:3, 4, 11. “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” lsa. 8:20.

The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald July 11, 1882